Red chicken curry.
Shrimp & vegetable salad.
Yum! PeePorn and I went to the market this morning and she picked out a lot of food to put together for dinners this week. Among other things, she selected a whole fish (eyes and all!) and I am very interested to see what that is made into. Hopefully, something completely unrecognizable. I would add a photo of the fish but it is really gross. We also bought a rice cooker so we shall see how that works out. I cannot wait until Kevin and Caitlynne finish at the gym and come home for dinner! She helped me figure out why my green chicken curry from the other night was so spicy. If I had read the directions on the packet (which I might have, had they been in English), I would have only added 1 tablespoon of curry and not the entire packet (4 tablespoons). Now I know.
I went out for an early run this morning and, on my way back to the house, I passed Caitlynne and Christopher with their gaggle of friends walking to school. Big deal, right? Well, it really was and I am so proud of them. I woke Caitlynne and Christopher up at 5.30 am, right before I left to run. Kevin left for work about 20 minutes later. So, that meant the kids got showered, dressed, ate breakfast and did all of the other miscellaneous "stuff" to get themselves out the door at 6.40 am all by themselves. The only "hiccup" was Christopher forgetting his id card but I had a gut feeling and asked him as I ran by if he had it. He didn't (how does a mother know these things?!?) so I quickly ran home, got it and caught back up with them to hand it off.
Tomorrow, I am going to the Embassy for a medical appointment, lunch with Kevin, a stop at the US Post Office and to do some shopping at the American grocery store on the Embassy grounds. Whew. I just hope it does not rain. Speaking of rain, this has been our radar for the last 5 days...

Bangkok is somewhere under all of that purple. Fortunately, the rain stops just in time for the kids to walk to school, begins again about 4.30 pm and continues through the night.
Glad the kids are getting settled. I have to admit, I am with Caitlynne about the fish. Sounds like everything is getting into a new normal!
What a good mommy! You ran back to him!
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